Ldquo;I believe art has many functions, and one of them is to interrogate the status quo. I felt kicked in the stomach when, on Friday morning, I read an email from his companion, Elaine Louie, announcing the tragic news. A Day Trip Into Darkness.
Non-Visible and Intangible is a gallery exhibition and series of events held at the Harold F Johnson Library in November 2012. Click here for a full schedule of events. This project was made possible in part by a Mellon Digital Humanities Grant from Five Colleges, Inc. And co-sponsored by the Hampshire College Board of Trustees. The Harold F Johnson Library is located at 893 West St, Amherst, MA 01002.
Viktor Vukasinovic Graphiste indépendant et créateur de caractères. 14ᵉ Journée romande de la typographie.